

Food Trucks – A Look Inside the Recent Phenomenon

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Written by: Sarah Brown

One of my favorite trends in the food world at the moment is the food truck craze. Some cities have over 30 rolling restaurants, which is amazing! How could you ever pick a favorite? Lucky for me the area I call home only has a small handful. From the classic all American hamburger to always-unique Asian taco the fare of Chattanooga’s wheel bound food community is worth investing a few lunch breaks in.

Food trucks are clever rolling restaurants that can be found traveling in packs to food truck sanctioned events (Food Truck Thursday!!) or spotted on their own promoting an event or business. The best part of a food truck is that they are always right in the middle of the action. You usually don’t even have to leave the event to grub something local and delicious.

Whether the menu is set in stone or changes as often as your underwear (this is assuming you update your underwear regularly) your food truck adventure is just as distinctive as the truck you choose to dine from. Be sure to choose wisely.

Is your run of the mill chain restaurant not pleasing your refined palate? Are you interested in finding out if you city has a food truck to try? A good place to start your search is http://roaminghunger.com/ this website will help you find the best way to keep up with your cities food truck community. I know for me it’s twitter. Some of my favorites include: @SBurgerCo, @famousnaters @TacoSherpa and I still have intentions to try @TasteofArg_TN, I will be sure to let you guys know how that goes.

What is your favorite thing about food trucks? And who is your go to grub on wheels?